



読んだえーごのほんin 2011(9冊。残り16冊)
”The little book of coaching (Ken Blanchard and Don Shula)” “Born on a Blue Day (Danile Tammet)” “When Fish Fly (John Yokohama, Joseph Michelli)” “Success for Hire (Alexandra Levit)” “The No Complaining Rule (Jon Gordon)” “The art of strategic leadership (Lynn L. Adams, David A. Jochim and Thomas R. Cutting)” “How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer (Herb Greenberg, Harold Weinsein, Patrick Sweeney)” “Mentoring 101 (John C. Maxwell)” “Doing Business in Mexico (Gus Gordon, Thurmon Williams)”


さて。。。あたまもまわらんし、またほん“How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer”からいんよーいたします。ちょっち長いっす。

“In sales, we find that “experience” is not a good predictive criterion. Similarly, in sports, we postulate that virtually all the players seriously looked at by scouts, coaches, etc., have a great deal of talent. They’ve been noticed for their talent. Yet a vast majority don’t live up to their scholarships, and don’t make the major leagues. So talent alone cannot be the predictor. The fact that a player dominates in college because of talent simply does not mean that he or she could dominate on the professional level when going up against people of equal or better talent. More often than not, it comes down to the head and the heart that make the difference, and that’s where the psychological job match proves to be effective: to separate the players who simply have talent from the players who have talent, and also the heart and the head to use that talent on the next level.”


あまちゅあ時代に大活躍した選手が、ぷろで活躍できな例はいままでごまんとありましたからね。技術的な才能だけでは残念ながら十分ではないということです。ぷろ野球でこの点をはっきりとある意味科学的(?)に指摘したのはご存知のとおり、「まねーぼーる」です。びりーびーんは誰が見ても才能あふれる選手で、同僚からは、「こんなにすごい奴はみたことがない。」といわれるくらいでした。ところが、彼はまったくなかずとばずで、結局めじゃーりーぐで活躍することはできず、早々に引退してすかうとになったのでした。彼は技術も体力もあったのですが、私と同じ(?)ようにびびり^^;だったようです。神経がそれほどずぶとくなかったんすね。しかし、彼はすかうととして彼の才能を爆発的に開花させたのでした。他の人には見えていないものが彼には見えていて、一見たいしたことがないと思える選手の中につぎつぎと才能を見出して、弱小貧乏ちーむを勝てるちーむへと生まれ変わらせたのでした。体力や技術は、もちろん才能があるにこしたことはありませんが、努力でもある程度のかばーが可能です。特に体力はね。技術も、もちろん才能が必要だけれども、練習である程度鍛えることができます。しかし。。。びびり^^;は残念ながら鍛えることができなかったってことっす。場数を踏めばある程度は解消できるし、びりーびーんもりらっくすしてた時には特大のほーむらんを打ってこーちやまねじゃーから、いつもそうやって打てばいいのに、といわれたのですが、根本的なところを直すことは残念ながらできないのです。Ego driveやEgo strengthが弱い人にこれらの要素を鍛えようとしても無理なのです。才能がないのにやればできるといってやらせるのはほんとうに無駄以外の何ものでもありません。各人の才能を見極めて、その人の才能にあった分野で活躍してもらうことが一番とゆーことっすね。



Today, it was hot^^ and the weather was nice.^^ High was 32 degree C. Summer has come!^^

As I quoted above from “How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer,” I really agree with these sentences. We need to use our talent and we need to strengthen our talent. However, sometimes we need several talents to succeed. Of course, professional baseball players need physical talent and technical talent. However, these are not enough. They need psychological talent, too. The book “Money Ball” describes this point very well. Billy Bean was a professional baseball player and he has enormous talent physically and technically. His colleagues said that they had never seen such a talented player. However, he was not successful in his career as a baseball player. His heart was weak. He was very weak at the pressure. He was very good at practice, but he was very weak at games. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to strengthen our weaknesses. And his weakness, being weak at the pressure, was a fatal weakness as a professional baseball player. Therefore, we need to find our strength and we need to think of using only strength. If our weakness is fatal for our job, we should find a different job.

See you tomorrow.

Takashi Utsugi

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