



読んだえーごのほんin 2012(4冊。残り26冊)
1 “How to become a marketing superstar (Jeffrey J. Fox)” 2,3,4 “Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson) 571 pages”5 “Problem Solving 101 (Ken Watanabe)”6 “Start Something That Matters (Blake Mycoskie)”

It was rainig heavily at noon, but it became fine^^ around 5PM.
In Japan, now one incident became very ccntroversial. One junior high school student committed a suicide last year. It happened last year. Then suddenly this news became a very big news because new facts were revealed and many people began to become interested in this news and many people began to reveal new facts. Initially, teachers said that this student committed a suicide by himself and nobody was involved. However, acutally it was found out that three students might bullied him very much and teachers noticed it. However, teachers did not do anything! Then they denied their responsibility. Stundent’s parents ask police to investigate this incident, but police ignored it. Onece different fact that three studnets bullied this student was revealed, teachers and police were criticized very much. Espcially teachers intentionally overlooked and ignored the bully. How stupid they are!!! This student was killed by teachers!!! This incident is still under investigation and his parents sued the city in which this public junior high school is located. I hope that all facts will be revealed and the same incident will not happen anymore.

See you tomorrow.

Takashi Utsugi


さいばらせんせーのまんがあいかわらずおもろいのお~。^^「汚い手 ごー^^」とか、「結婚のすぴーちかあっ ボケー」とか、「青山弟超使えず」とか、いやあ、私のつぼおしまくりでんな。^^


“Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work.”



“The hierarchical system of the East Coast, England, Germany, and Japan do not encourage this different thinking. The sixties produced an anarchic mind-set that is great for imaging a world not yet in existience.”



“At the end of the presentation someone asked whether he thought they should do some market research to see what customers wanted. “No,” he replied, “because customers don’t know what they want until we’ve shown them.”’





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