



読んだえーごのほんin 2011(25冊。残り0冊)
1”The little book of coaching (Ken Blanchard and Don Shula)” 2“Born on a Blue Day (Daniel Tammet)” 3“When Fish Fly (John Yokohama, Joseph Michelli)” 4“Success for Hire (Alexandra Levit)” 5“The No Complaining Rule (Jon Gordon)” 6“The art of strategic leadership (Lynn L. Adams, David A. Jochim and Thomas R. Cutting)” 7“How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer (Herb Greenberg, Harold Weinsein, Patrick Sweeney)” 8“Mentoring 101 (John C. Maxwell)” 9“Doing Business in Mexico (Gus Gordon, Thurmon Williams)” 10“Now, Discover Your Strengths (Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D.)” 11“Warren Buffett and the interpretation of financial statements (Mary Buffett & David Clark)” 12“The six fundamentals of success (Stuart R. Levine)" 13“The Tao of Warren Buffet (Mary Buffett & Davide Clark)” 14“Outliers: The Story of Success (Malcolm Gladwell)” 15“The little book of common sense investing (John C. Bogle)” 16“How to become CEO (Jeffrey J. Fox)” 17“The Power of Ethical Management (Kenneth Blanchard, Norman Vincent Peale)” 18“The Energy bus (Jon Gordon)” 19“Bringing out the best in people (Alan Loy McGinnis)”
20“How to become a rainmaker (Jeffrey J. Fox)” 21“Don’t send a resume (Jeffrey J. Fox)” 22“Secrets of Great Rainmakers (Jeffrey J. Fox)” 23“Soup (Jon Gordon)” 24“The Seed (Jon Gordon)” 25“How to become a fiece competitor (Jefrey J. Fox)”






I took a rest in the morning, and then I left my apt at around 11AM to visit the office. I did some paper work and then I drove to a motel. I need to work at a customer factory from tomorrow until Jan. 2.
Yesterday, I came back to Cincinnati by driving a minivan. Our company purchased that used car last month. But… while I was driving that car on the high way, very big noises happened from the engine room. I was surprised and I drove to the exit from the high way. I check the car and I thought that there may be something wrong with water pump or oil pump or belt. Tire, transmission, driveshaft, brake, and engine look fine, so anyway I drove that car to Cincinnati. I felt it was a long drive from Dayton to Cincinnati.^^; I changed the car from minivan to Taurus to drive to a motel today.

See you tomorrow.

Takashi Utsugi

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